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Election opens new marijuana markets, increases need for accountants

Written on Jul 31, 2020

BreidenbachJBy Justin P. Breidenbach, CPA, MAcc, CFE

我多年来的研究和旅行为我提供了一个独特的机会,从会计和商业的角度来体验大麻合法化行业的发展. 创业之路并不容易,监管总是在不断发展. 每年和每一个选举周期都会创造或扩大以前由选民或州政府采用的市场.

The recent election cycle was no different, 有9个州有医疗或成人使用大麻相关的投票措施. Some of the most notable ballot measures that passed included California, Nevada, and Massachusetts legalizing for adult-use and Florida for medical-use. As these states come online or adopt new legalization measures, 俄亥俄州继续推进围绕其医疗市场制定法规. Additionally, 其他州正在通过修改整体结构或允许医疗使用新条件来扩大监管范围. In light of the burgeoning state markets, it should be no surprise that there is a growing request for accounting, legal and other professional services.

去年11月,在我前往拉斯维加斯参加第五届年度大麻商业会议和博览会期间,我更加意识到对会计师的这种需求. I have had the opportunity to attend this conference through the years, 它让我们了解到人们对进入大麻合法化市场的兴趣. Since this conference started, 参加人数从450人左右增加到今年的10多人,座无虚席,000.

在与与会者交谈后,很明显,加州市场是一个推动因素. Many had an interest to get involved in some capacity. There was no shortage of people interested in cultivating, processing or operating a retail store or dispensary. It was no surprise that many were eyeing California, 鉴于该州的收入有望超过整个大麻市场. 但俄亥俄州市场和周边地区的发展仍然引起了许多人的兴趣.

It seemed no matter what state they were from, 与会者对其他州如何制定法规以及企业如何在行业内运作感兴趣. Ohio is still a bit of a question mark when it comes to these matters. 俄亥俄州的医用大麻产业在一段时间内不会完全运转, and Ohio has only released draft medical marijuana cultivator rules. Even though Ohio does not have final regulations in place, 在规范种植活动方面,该草案提供了一窥该州可能走向的方向.

Ohio’s cultivation draft rules (see below), along with other states’ regulations, demand that businesses acquire appropriate accounting, legal and professional services. 这些服务帮助处理需要批准和维护许可的操作和报告需求.

毫不奇怪,许多刚进入这个行业的人在考虑进入这个领域的想法时,并没有考虑到这些“后台”问题. 但那些在该行业经验丰富的人明白拥有一支强大的会计和法律团队的重要性. 虽然许多人喜欢讨论IRC 280e——它确实对行业产生了巨大的影响——但有太多的会计, 企业需要更好地了解税务和报告问题,以确保他们遵守法规.

在大麻商业会议和博览会上,技术会计主题的重要性显而易见. Two tax workshop sessions were made available to attendees. 作为一名学术和会计专业人士,看到这些课程的需求令人兴奋. Pre-registration was required, 甚至还有很多人在排队,想要获得会议的席位. Past conferences didn’t even have formal presentations on technical accounting issues; if accounting and tax topics were discussed, 它是在一对一的谈话或小型圆桌讨论的网络会议中.

Additionally, 由于人数众多,今年会议的所有与会者都被要求随时佩戴身份徽章. The badge included the attendee’s name, state, company name and title. 我注意到很多人都知道我的工作头衔里有“会计”这个词. 这通常会变成个人或团体问他们是否“可以向我请教一下”.“活跃于合法行业的与会者有兴趣根据我在他们所在州或其他州看到的情况获得任何会计见解. The questions were constant, 每当有人路过听到“会计”或“税收”这个词,他们就会立即停下来加入谈话.

As Ohio moves forward with developing regulation, 潜在的许可证持有者继续有兴趣进入市场, there will be a demand placed on accounting, legal and professional services. Every state is unique in its development of the marijuana industry, but the importance of accounting and reporting is never limited.

Highlights of Ohio’s draft rules:

  • 许可证配额最多12个一级种植者许可证和最多6个二级种植者许可证.
  • Level I and Level II cultivator license are permitted to operate a 15,000- and 1,600-square-foot marijuana cultivation area, respectively.
  • 耕种者必须表现出财政责任——有足够的资金来满足设施计划和操作需要.
  • 质量控制和安全计划必须随申请一起提交,然后遵照执行.
  • Record, 报告和保留政策必须到位并适当地执行,因为它与销售有关, inventory, finances, employee records, disposal, security, test samples and more.
  • Fees of $200,000 ($20,000 application fee and $180,000 license fee) for Level I cultivators and $20,000 ($2,000 application fee and $18,000 licensing fee) for Level II cultivators.

Justin P. Breidenbach, CPA, MAcc, CFE是特拉华州俄亥俄卫斯理大学会计学助理教授, Ohio. He instructs courses relating to financial accounting, taxation, and audit & assurance services. Additionally, Justin在公共会计领域拥有丰富的专业工作经验,并为农业领域的组织提供服务, manufacturing, distribution, service and not-for-profit. 他目前的学术研究包括调查大麻合法化行业,并努力获取数据,以更好地了解操作, internal controls, taxation, regulation, employment, banking, insurance, financial sustainability and pricing.

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